Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Correspondence: Dr. This study aims to determine the knowledge and approach of men applying to a primary health care center about IUD by adopting qualitative research methods. This study was qualitative research realized using Is Oral Sex Dangerous For Married Couples in-depth interview method. The interview was carried with 15 married men in a primary health care center in Umraniye, using 15 semi-structured interview questions. Knowledge of the men in this study about IUD and family planning was inadequate. Participants generally determined the advantages of IUD with its superiority over other methods. Adverse effects of IUD on women and men during intercourse were stated. Knowledge of men about IUD, its side effects and disadvantages were generally composed of misinformation and rumours about the subject. Men do not have adequate information and knowledge on family planning and IUD. Training provided by the health personnel might have a considerable role in demolishing misinformation and rumors and may augment the level of knowledge about IUD. Keywords: Attitudes, intrauterine device, knowledge, married man, qualitative study. Every year, 46 million unwanted pregnancies are eventuated with abortion [ 1 ]. Every year, million unwanted pregnancy, 60 million unplanned birth, and million abortions are prevented by applying family planning methods [ 3 ]. Family planning methods are classified as modern and traditional methods. The most favorable method within modern methods is IUD, with Moreover, IUD prevents pregnancy effectively five to ten years. Intense utilization of this method might decrease the number of unwanted pregnancy more effectively than other methods [ 4 ]. Men have critical responsibilities on family planning and prevention of unwanted pregnancy, whereas the level of contribution of men in family planning is very low in developing countries and in Turkey [ 67 ]. Particularly, the level of utilization of modern family planning techniques for men is observed to be very low. There is not enough information Is Oral Sex Dangerous For Married Couples the behaviours of men towards family planning. There are no clear answers to these questions. For example, what are the factors affecting behaviours and approaches of men towards family planning; or are they against to use contraceptive methods? Using qualitative research methods, this kind of questions can be answered because qualitative researches are influential for understanding and interpreting the humanitarian dimension of a subject. Especially, they provide meaningful data for perceiving thoughts, emotions, believes, behaviours and relationships about the subject [ 8 ]. There are limited and insufficient research and information about knowledge, approaches and thoughts of men about the IUD, which is one of the most common modern contraceptive methods. Under this information, it is recognized that there is a requirement for having qualitative research about approaches and knowledge of men about IUD. Using a qualitative research method, the present research aims to determine the knowledge and approaches of married men applying to a primary healthcare center in Istanbul about IUD. This research was qualitative and carried out in Umraniye, a district of Istanbul, with married men. Umraniye allowing immigrants from other cities of Turkey, it is a district where more socio-economically disadvantageous people live. This research was conducted with 15 married men applying to a primary health care center in Umraniye and accepting to participate in this research. In-depth interview technique was adopted to collect data. Since this research was qualitative, the size of the sample was not measured and the men participating in the focus group were determined using accidental sampling, which is a haphazard sampling technique. In the application of this research, the principles of Helsinki Declaration were taken into consideration and necessary permissions were taken from the local managers for the research. In addition, permissions of participators were taken for their informed consents and sound recordings. In the first phase, socio-demographic features of the participators were gathered by adopting face to face interview technique. In the second phase, interviews were executed with participators using an interview guide composed of 15 semi-structured questions. The interviews were suitable to the participators answering time, and when the participators started to repeat their views, the interviews were terminated. The interviews were processed by a moderator and notes were taken in required conditions. There were questions considering knowledge and views of participators about family planning, intrauterine device, IUD usage and acquisition, adverse effects, advantages, disadvantages, protectiveness and protectiveness duration of IUD in the interview guide. The interviews lasted about 30 minutes. In the first phase of data analysis, sound recordings were analysed by transferring to transcript word by word using Microsoft Word program, and later, these analyses were evaluated.
In addition, permissions of participators were taken for their informed consents and sound recordings. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction and impact of contraception in female German medical students. Turkish Journal of Psychology ; Health Sciences ; A rheumatologist performed the routine clinical examination and blood analysis, and recorded the number of swollen and tender joints, erythrocyte sedimentation rates and the levels of C-reactive protein CRP. Primary health care centers take over significant responsibility in this issue.
lence (77). It is apparent that online infidelity is harmful for relationships and also it is a threat to one‟s subjective well-being (Cooper, McLoughlin, & Campbell. Arousal loss related to safer sex and risk of pregnancy: implications for women's and men's sexual health. Beliefs. ual intercourse between couples is a form of vio-. married women are at risk due. Perspect Sex Reprod Health ; 41(3). to their spouse's sexual behavior () sex-. 38 Furthermore, the same study implicated arranged marriage and marriage at early ages as risk factors for the development of sexual.Prevalence of sexual dysfunction and impact of contraception in female German medical students. Fazla kilo alan annenin bebeği de iri olur inancı yaygındır, oysa annenin hamilelikte aldığı kilo ile bebeğin kilosu arasında bir ilişki yoktur,. While most of the men participating in this research specified IUD as a family planning method used by women, some mixed IUD with other methods. Yılmaz et al. El Miedany et al. Günümüzde hamilelik döneminde diş tedavileri güvenli şekilde uygulanmaktadır,. Both forms include four additional questions regarding the quality of sexual relation. Arch Gen Psychiatry ; Using a qualitative research method, the present research aims to determine the knowledge and approaches of married men applying to a primary healthcare center in Istanbul about IUD. Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction is a item Likert-type scale developed by Rust and Golombok 24 to define the quality of sexual relations and evaluate sexual dysfunction disorders in heterosexual males and females. The interview was carried with 15 married men in a primary health care center in Umraniye, using 15 semi-structured interview questions. In the first phase of data analysis, sound recordings were analysed by transferring to transcript word by word using Microsoft Word program, and later, these analyses were evaluated. A study on the modern methods of human reproduction from the perspective of law and Islamic Jurisprudence. Results: The mean disease duration was 4. The inner ear and middle ear are completely formed. It is important for your health to maintain this habit for life and to make your child use organic toothpaste in later years. In the literature, the importance of social networking is underlined and peer education is indicated as a significant strategy [ 11 ]. Topsakal, Özge, and Emre Yanıkkerem. It is estimated that babies do not feel any pain until the 24th week. Table 1. Descriptive statistics were used for the control and the study group data. This might be due to high scores of ASEX which may be attributable to high scores of sexual arousal, and these categories might be related to factors other than joint-related physical restraints. Notably, since they can talk to each other about the subject, they can improve their level of knowledge. Sendrom ; 17 7 In our study, the correlation between anorgasmia and the number of tender joints might be attributed to the difficulty in reaching orgasm due to tender joints which may not alter other factors associated with sexual satisfaction such as communication, touching and frequency of relation. The effect of family planning methods used by women of reproductive age on their sexual life.